Skylight Installation in
Santa Barbara, CA

Bring Natural Light Into Your Home With Skylights

A roof with residential attic floors has become increasingly popular. This increases the usable area due to the option to use the under-roof space. 

In addition to many other issues, it’s important to solve the problem regarding the lighting of these usable residential attics.

Skylights are a great option for ensuring the presence of natural light in the attic. 

Roofing image
Vazquez Roofing Inc.

The Benefits of Skylights

Skylights can enhance your home, but also be a hindrance when not done properly. Some do not fit the overall design of the building, and can be completely unrealistic. Which is why it’s important to find a professional roofer who specializes in Skylights.

The installation of skylights offers a great solution to lighting issues, and at the same time, excludes any needed changes in the roof structure.


Skylights are able to transmit approximately 40% more natural light, which is evenly distributed throughout the room. To do this, it is only necessary to fulfill one condition – the area of the light opening must be at least 10% of the area of the illuminated room.

Skylights are available on Most Types of Roofs

Skylights are an option on almost all types of roofs: slate, metal tiles, corrugated board, ceramic, bituminous, composite tiles and others.

Vazquez Roofing Inc in Santa Barbara provides one of the best skylight installation services in the area. The team consists of experienced and skilled experts who are ready to complete a project of any size and complexity. Contact us today for professional advice!

Things to Consider about Skylights

Here are just some of the main points that should not be neglected when installing roof windows and skylights:

  • Installation of the window frame must be carried out strictly according to the level, without warping, as this violates the tightness.
  • To ensure proper air circulation, the upper slope (above the window) must be performed horizontally (parallel to the floor), and the lower slope (under the window) – on the contrary, vertically (perpendicular to the floor). If it is planned to use heating devices in the room, it is better to place them under the window.
  • When draining water from a window, a drainage gutter must be installed above the window with a sufficient slope, and a waterproofing film or a diffusion membrane must be inserted into the gutter.
  • The adjunction of roofing films (membranes) to the window must be carefully sealed, and the joints should be glued with a special tape.
  • Waterproofing the skylight must be carried out without gaps, without the use of any fasteners (nails, screws, staples) on the working surface.
  • The apron of the sealing flange must be brought out to the roofing and glued to it with adhesive tape. Mounting the sealing flange in any other way that pierces the apron is not allowed.

For more details contact us today!